A United Methodist Community

Volunteering on the Farm
There are plenty of ways to get your hands dirty with the Urban Farm Church!
Whether you want to spend time on the Farm once a week or once a year, we have volunteer opportunities made for you!
All of our volunteer opportunities are intergenerational and open to all ages! Farm Kids work as much as they want, then have fun climbing giant mulch piles or taking a break under a shady tree. For older adults who may not have the energy for farming, you can bag and give food away at the Farm Stand or help prepare or clean up after a meal.
The Urban Farm Church is a place where everyone has room to grow!
Dig in the Dirt Days
Sundays, 12-1PM
Join us weekly during the growing season as we weed, water, harvest, and tend to smaller Farm projects.
The Big Three
March, April, & May
In the springtime, the Farm comes alive! Starting with Farm Build Day the first weekend in March, we top off our no-dig beds with a few inches of compost. Around Earth Day is our next big event, which often involves beautifying the grounds. Then in mid-May, we transplant our seedlings from the grow room to the Farm.
Farm Stand
Sundays, 11AM-1PM
The Farm Stand is the heart of what we do at the Farm, giving away fresh, organic food to our community, for free or by donation. We need volunteers who can bag produce, register customers, and fill bags to give away.
Special Projects
(anytime of year)
Once in a while, a large project comes along that requires multiple volunteer days with a variety of people and skill sets. Recent projects include our high tunnel and storybook trail! If you have a special skill, let us know by filling out our Volunteer Interest Form below!
Volunteer Days
Third Sundays, 12-2PM
(anytime of year)
On the third Sundays of most months, we tackle bigger projects that take more than a few hands to complete. In February, for example, our project will be starting seeds indoors to grow our own transplants.
Volunteer Groups
If you have a youth group, Scout troop, or mission team, we’d love to have you come work and learn on the Farm! Whether for a day or a week, we can accommodate groups of any size, any age, and any skill set! Fill out the interest form below, and we’ll be in touch! UMVIM teams, click here for a brochure.
Volunteer Interest Form
Interested in volunteering with us? Fill out the form below!